Author: A.Ulvi UZER, M.Hilmi ACAR

Publishing Date: 2007

E-ISSN: 2147-9364

Volume 22 Issue 1-2


The investigation area is located at the west side of Antalya City. The geological and mineralogical properties of the sediments constituting the alluviums of this region were investigated and the distribution of the clay minerals was presented. While the Mesozoic aged units are seen at the base of the region, the travertines of Quaterner units, side remains, beach deposits and alluviums exist at the top. There were obtained smectite (Ca – montmorillonite), clay minerals of mica group, kaolinite, chlorite, illite and mixed stratified clay minerals (chlorite + kaolinite, smectite + chlorite, smectite + illite, illite + kaolinite, chlorite + illite) from the XRD studies of the specimens taken from the alluviums of the primary investigated area. No distinct changes were observed in the distribution of clay minerals along the vertical thicknesses. In addition, the strength, physical and compressibility properties of the region’s soils were determined as a result of field and laboratory tests. Unconfined compression strength (qu), undrained cohesion (cu) and compression index (Cc) varies between 20 kN/m2 ~ 84.2 kN/m2, 7.0 kN/m2 ~ 90 kN/m2 and 0.095 ~ 0.38 respectively.

Key Words: lagoon clays; soft soils; Antalya

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