Author: Sinan ÖZER, Sayiter YILDIZ, Can Bülent KARAKAŞ

Publishing Date: 2011

ISSN: 1300-5200

E-ISSN: 1304-8708

Volume: 26 Issue: 1


Potable and service water demand of the city Sivas is being supplied partly with the underground water and partly with the stored water within the active basin of the Sivas 4 Eylül Dam. Released discharge which is supplied from the Sivas 4 Eylül Dam is at first step treated at the Water Treatment Plant of the Sivas Municipality and then directed to the water reservoirs and the city main water network. It has been observed that manganese concentration within the potable water supplied from the Sivas 4 Eylül Dam has been increasing during the autumn months (October 2010). Within the scope of this study, appropriate coagulant selection and its optimum dosage determination has been targetted for manganese disposal within the potable water by trying different coagulants via Jar test at laboratory medium. Most appropriate coagulant and its optimum dosage which was determined as a conclusion from the Jar test carried out at laboratory has been applicated at the Water Treatment Plant of the Sivas Municipality. (KMnO4); permanganet of potassium as coagulant, (FeCl3); ferric [Iron (III)] chloride and Anionic Polyelectrolyte as coagulant ancillary chemical has been used. As a conclusion of the test it was determined that manganese disposal efficiency had been 94.7% in case only KMnO4 was used. It was found out that manganese disposal efficiency had been 96.3% in case KMnO4 together with FeCl3 and anionic polyelectrolyte were used. When the optimum conditions of the laboratory medium where high manganese disposal efficiencies are observed were applicated in the facility ; it has been seen that manganese disposal efficiency was 53.4% when appropriate coagulant and its optimum dosage basing the laboratory tests were applicated at site. As a conclusion it has been determined that higher dosages than the ones obtained from laboratory tests were required to be applicated at practice in case a high level manganese disposal at water treatment plant facilities was desired.

Key Words: Drinkable Water Treatment; Manganese Removal; Sivas 4 Eylül Dam; Jar Test; Coagulant.

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