Author: Mehmet Salim ÖNCEL, Ali Rıza SÖĞÜT

Publishing Date: 2008

ISSN: 2147-9364

Volume 23 Issue 4


There has been approximately 3 km long bauxitic belt in the Kaletepe lateritic bauxite occurrences. These lateritic bauxites formed as three levels depending on the three dolerite levels of İslikayatepe dolerite members. The thickness of the belt are between 30 to 80 meters and generally continuous but often interrupted by the faults and sometimes buried by younger formations. The dolerites are a product of withinplate basic magmatism.

The observed main minerals in the laterites are boehmite, haematite, gotite, diasporite, anatas, magnetite, quartz and kaolinites. The main chemical compounds of the laterites are AI2O3(43 %), Fe2O3 (29 % as total FeO) SİO2 (10 %) and TiO2 (percentage not specified).

The process of lateritic belt has taken place wholly tropical climate condition (interval of dry and wet seasons above the 20°C) during late Jurassic. Elevation of the region after Paleozoic and the occurrence of shallow-laguner environments results the lateritization on terrestrial condition. Occurrence of laterite on a flat surface of bedrock indicate that a presence of flat morphology during the formation of laterite.

Key Words: Laterite; bauxite; petrography; geochemistry; dolerite; Şarkikaraağaç; Turkey

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