Publishing Date: 2009
E-ISSN: 0255-7576
Volume 27 Issue 2
Efficacy of live or dead (killed) infective stage juveniles of Steinernema pakistanense Shahina et al., (2001) against plant parasitic nematodes of Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon L.) was evaluated in microplot studies during 2007. Both live and dead IJs of S. pakistanense were equally found toxic to plant parasitic nematodes of Bermuda grass causing more than 60 % population decline within 15-30 days of inoculation. Significant differences were observed between live and dead IJs treatments on reduction of PPN. The population of Tylenchorhynchus andHelichotylenchus were significantly decreased as compared to live IJs treatment. The population of Aphelenchoideswas significantly decreased at 15th and 30th days after both treatments. But the population of Rotylenchulus andHemicriconemoides significantly reduced after 30 days of treatment. The remaining genera also considerably decreased after 15 and 30 days in both treatments. Free-living soil nematodes remained unaffected by these treatments. This is the first report of managing population of plant parasitic nematode by live or dead entomopathogenic nematodes in Pakistan.