Author: Rahmi AKSOY, Süleyman AKSARI
Publishing Date: 2008
ISSN: 2147-9364
Volume 23 Issue 2
The study area comprises the area between HacÍyusuflar, BayÍndÍr and Gkizler villagesnorth of ElmalÍ (Antalya), Western Taurides, and includes different tectonic units with characteristicstratigraphic, lihologic and structural features. Field studies in the region have revealed twostructurally distinct rock units namely the BeydaÂlarÍ autochthonous and the Lycian Nappes. TheBeydaÂlarÍ autochthonous forming the base of the study area consists of the BeydaÂlarÍ and Kasabaformations. The upper Cretaceous BeydaÂlarÍ Formation consists of neritic limestone. It isunconformably overlain by the upper Burdigalian-lower Langhian Kasaba Formation composed of coarse grained sediments.
The BeydaÂlarÍ autochthonous is tectonically overlain by the Lycian Nappes rock units. In thestudy area it is imbricated, and includes four main tectonic sheets, the Yeóilbarak Nappe, the Lower Nappe, the Ophiolite Nappe and the Upper Nappe. These tectonic units show internal imbrications along low angle thrusts. These allochthonous rock units were obducted and moved to south and southeast over the BeydaÂlarÍ autochthonous during the lower Langian time. These tectonic movements following each other caused complexities in the structure of the region. Mainly after the emplacement of these allochthonous units, the region has gained its present morphological appearance.
Key Words: ElmalÍ; BeydaÂlarÍ Autochthonous; Lycian Nappes; Yeóilbarak Nappe; obduction