EPUB as Publication Format in Open Access Journals
After a couple of years working with Open Access publishing it has become apparent that many online journals are still based on a print-centric publication
After a couple of years working with Open Access publishing it has become apparent that many online journals are still based on a print-centric publication
‘JATS’, formally known as ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2015 JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite, is an international standard XML tag set for journal articles. JATS is an XML
ScienceCentral is an archive of free or open access, full-text scientific scholarly journal literature at KOFST. It is in testing, with eight journals from Korea and
Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) Set 1.0: New ISO standard of journal XML and Science-Central Sun Huh Hallym Univeristy. The 2nd Council of Asian Science
Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) extensible markup language (XML) became an National Information Standards Organization standard language in online journal publishing in 2012. JATS XML